About Us
To create awareness, education and solutions for environmental issues, using the arts, science and community.
Founded in 2011 at California's Salton Sea, The EcoMedia Compass is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing environmental awareness and solutions through music, art and events; giving science a voice. Its current focus campaign is “Save Our Sea!” for California’s Salton Sea. The prime goal of the organization is to creatively and effectively share and implement scientific and environmental solutions while developing community involvement through the mediums of music, art and film- an educational and active forum for restorative collaboration.
Founded in 2011 and with a working base in the Salton Sea, the organization’s hundreds of volunteers and staff have improved the public image of the sea and fostered countless working scientific and political relationships and collaborations through California, Nevada and Mexico. The organization is highly supportive of providing water for the region by bringing water downhill from Mexico’s Sea of Cortez, desalinating however much would be needed for adequate freshwater needs, and has been supporting the negotiation through numerous negotiations, events and media support. The Save Our Sea campaign operates out Salton City and Desert Shores; a perfect location to collaborate and appreciate the beauty and potential of the region. Over the years, events have ranged from organizing governmental meetings and attendance, documentaries, press conferences, conventions, media mixers, binational mapping expeditions, music videos, photo shoots, school presentations, the Salton Sea Walk and many others inspiring the local community to act in the restoration of their home. With a large social media following and many industry connections, the organization is able to effectively share solutions in a creative and catchy way, making science “cool”.​ ​The EcoMedia Compass has proven effective in helping other scientific and community groups share and market their missions and solutions. They have operated two restoration centers in the West Shores, and are now based at the West Shores Chamber of Commerce, while plans develop for a new center on the group’s shoreline land in Desert Shores.
The organization has been instrumental in helping produce documentaries with Palomar College, “Breaking Point”, SOS! The Salton Sea Walk, many local colleges, as well as French, German, Australian, Korean, British, and many US based documentary, news, magazine, live and social media productions. Telling a story of solutions and resilience amidst the challenges that face the region. The EcoMedia Compass has amassed a comprehensive network of tech, community and arts leaders and is currently looking for other volunteers, scientific groups, sponsors and problem solvers to bring together the solutions that will help restore the Southwest and pave the way for a sustainable future. In the long term, the organization aims to work with other community groups, volunteers and agencies to restore the Salton Sea, implementing the support of the entire region, providing jobs, a healthy environment and sustainability for our future generations.
A major focus in recent years has been restoration of the West Shores at Desert Shores. This project aims to place a berm in the dry channel between the main Salton Sea and this community, in order to allow the pumping and refilling of water and restoration of this community. It is being engineered in a way the the Geotube style berm can be moved or removed, if and when main Salton Sea water levels in the area raise so the channels can be reconnected beneficially.
Phase 1 of the project has been picked up by the Natural Resources agency and Imperial County who are working out the legal and funding mechanism to support the building and maintenance of the berm, solar and pump system.
In collaboration with local groups, The EcoMedia Compass, has acquired the land needed to build the berm, and are organizing designs and plans for a future community benefit and Salton Sea restoration center while the county plans for the first phase build.
Educational 501c3 Non-Profit #C3611875